"A guatemalteca Rigoberta Menchú, por exemplo, ganhou o Prêmio Nobel e a Légion d'Honneur com uma autobiografia celebrada pela revista Chronicle of Higher Education como “um pilar fundamental do cânone multicultural”. O núcleo da narrativa era a infância sofrida de uma índia filha de camponeses expulsos de suas terras por grandes proprietários. Mais tarde comprovou-se que o pai de Rigoberta nunca tinha sido vítima desses proprietários, pela simples razão de que ele próprio era um deles. A tempestade de desculpas esfarrapadas que se seguiu foi tão grande quanto a onda de aplausos que a antecedeu."
Museu de iniqüidades (http://www.olavodecarvalho.org/semana/050718dc.htm)"The left's attraction to the obviously false is nothing new. For well nigh a century, in fact, the world's intellectual elite has been crafting and enabling fraud on a wide range of critical subjects and, when the mood strikes, awarding intellectual deceit with Nobel Peace Prizes.
When the Nobel Peace Prize committee met to award its 1992 prize, the choices were many and good[:] Ronald Reagan, [...] Margaret Thatcher or Pope John Paul II or the Soviet dissidents. They did not and never would [select one of these].
No, this being 1992, the five-hundredth anniversary of Colombus's discovery" of the Americas, the committee members took the opportunity to rub its thumb in America's eye. They awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1992 to a Guatemalan woman, an "indigena" by the name of Rigoberta Menchu.
Other than her age, twenty-three at the time of the narrative, just about every other contention in the book is conspicuously false. The most problematic deceit involved her father. "My father fought for twenty-two years," recalls Rigoberta, "waging a heroic struggle against the landowners who wanted to take our land and our neighbors land." The reality was a bit different. In fact, Vicente Menchu was an army veteran and a relatively prosperous landowner, who shared in a community grant of about ten square miles of property.""
Rigoberta Menchu Won The Nobel Peace Prize Too (https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2009/10/rigoberta_menchu_won_the_nobel.html)